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February 8, 2022

Why Quantum?

Find out why Quantum is important to all Thales Digital ambitions

The Quantum Design System encompasses everything that our teams need to Design & Build better digital products, efficiently & consistently.

Quantum provides a rich body of content which contains design guidelines, patterns, templates, reusable assets, styles and more. It organises and shares all these assets in a well-structured, and highly “consumable” way.

As such, Quantum becomes the single source of design truth for all digital products.

The Quantum Design System addresses 3 major elements:

  1. Creates consistency across digital products, services & experiences which reinforces the brand and value perception of customers and users.
  2. Scales Good Design across all digital product & engineering teams, ensuring a good UX Design everywhere, avoiding the creation of design/experience gaps between products that my lead to bad user experience.
  3. Increases competitively - more and more teams are embracing UX Design because our markets, customers and users demand it, and our competitors are also raising their UX Design game. Quantum becomes the most efficient way to implement Design across an organisation, leading to increases in reuse and velocity, and increased competitiveness of our digital, products and services.

The Quantum Design System will provide answers to questions like:

  • What is Digital Design at Thales?
  • What are the Digital Design practices & codes?
  • How do the brand values materialise into tangible digital product (design) attributes?
  • Where can I find reusable assets, guidelines, best-in-class digital design, ... ?

The Quantum Design System will deliver a full design-to-code continuum, be aligned with our brand standards, deliver a best-in-class digital experience and cover all the major digital application use cases (business apps, mobile apps, web/intranet, data apps, ...).

Importantly, Quantum is community led and will adapt to the diverse needs across the Thales portfolio, as well as the evolving needs of our markets, customers and users.

Quantum is an essential to maintaining the ongoing competitiveness, and relevance of Thales Digital products and services. It is also essential in freeing our designers and developers from repeated, routine work so that thier skills, experience and creative energies can be focused on the real work of creating value for our customers and users.
