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August 3, 2022

Quantum summer 22 deliveries

Follow-up the achievements of the Quantum during 2022 summer break.

Summer 22 deliveries #1

Even during summer break, the Quantum team keeps evolving Quantum Design System, discover what are the latest deliveries bellow:

Design release

Light Component library - version 0.20.0

  • Forms & Controls - Date Picker
  • Stepper's variant conflicts resolved
  • Documentation update with harmonisation of all Components architecture doc and harmonisation of all colors and layers architecture

More details here

Development releases

1.0.0-beta. 8

  • Form - Text area component
  • Dark mode
  • Update of Stencil (support Parcel, Veet, rollup + solve the vue.js CLI issue)

More details here


  • Bug fixes on Quantum logo colors and control checked props on toggle switch
  • Forms - Multi select component

More details here


  • Tds-typography
  • Purge
  • TDS CSS file’s size

More details here

1.0.0-beta. 13

Starter kits. We delivered starter kits (angular, react and vue.js with/without Tailwind) to help you with Quantum first steps.

Starter kit example:

Starter kit example-react.png
