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February 3, 2022

Launch of Thales Design Language Project

Thales Design Language Project is Underway! The Thales Design Office has initiated a project to define a shared Thales Design Language.

Design Language

A design language is an overarching scheme or style that will guide the design of the full range of products and offers across Thales and will manifest itself through the application of the Thales Design System. The Thales Design language will provide a common denominator that enables a consistent representation of Thales look and feel in all products, fully synonymous with the Thales brand architecture and values, thus laying the foundations for a signature Thales user experience.

This initial project will be followed by a Steering Group including Pierre Schaeffer(CMO), Olivier Flous (VP Engineering & Digital), Valérie Bertheau (VP Product Policy), Yves Boutin (Brand Director), Elise Riboulet (Brand Directorate) & Didier Boulet(CDO).

Project Delivery

The project will be delivered through the collaboration of an external design agency & Thales Designerswith the following staged approach.

  1. Diagnosis- Analysis of existing designs present in some of our iconic product lines. The stage gives rise to the delivery of a synthesis and an analysis that will determine the orientations taken in stages 2 and 3.
  2. Building a Design Language Reference (Beta) – Organising the design language in the form of a Thales design book (brand design book) and repository.
  3. Dissemination and radiation – promotion of the brand book and repository, first communication & acculturation to the Thales design system.

A design language is an overarching scheme or style that will guide the design of the full range of products and offers across Thales.

This project forms an important first step towards the objective of acculturing all stakeholders in Thales Design, creating design consistency, establishing the Thales identity via qualified product design, and establishing signature Thales user experiences.
