supervised_user_circle DMS MMCM Programe
Read about experimentation of the QDS on the DMS “TSAM HMI” project.
The QDS has been experimentally deployed on the DMS “TSAM HMI” project. This product is a revamp of an existing user interface, used by Marine force operators to remotely control a sonar system towed by an unmanned surface vehicle during mine hunting operations at sea. During the interface Design process, various desktops and widgets have been built from the ground-up to provide an unprecedented user experience. The diversity of widgets and interface elements makes it an interesting use-case to deploy Quantum on a typical Defence Mission Systems application.
This case study was focused on the technological point of view; the experimental migration of the TSAM JavaFx fat-client app to QDS and capture of the related costs and feedback from DMS employees about the before/after QDS effect. The initial experiment proceeded with the following objectives:
After providing the Quantum Figma access, the tokens and giving clear guidance on how to proceed, the Quantum colours migration and the poll survey were completed. However, note that, the TSAM team QDS hands-on took time, the tokens were not directly compatible with JavaFx and an adaptation was required. This first step was interesting for the Quantum core team to document tokens and enable the capture of business insights on the kind of Dark patterns we should consider for QDS.
Early feedback indicated that the QDS touch application was weak and according to the survey results, the experimental outcome did not achieve the desired level of impact. We needed to go further in aligning TSAM to the QDS.
Which is why we extended the scope of the experimentation and formulated new objectives:
The second iteration of experimentation produced more convincing results.
The QDS shadows and icons were applied, the app main navigation was placed at the top instead of the bottom of the interface as recommended by QDS guidelines, the tabs, toggle, buttons and even sonar business components were implemented for JavaFx and integrated to the app.
A new poll was launched to compare the preference of DMS employees (pseudo users) between TSAM vs TSAM based on Quantum, capturing feedback on:
30 people participated and the results show a general preference for TSAM with QDS.
Some users even took the time to write comments that helped the TSAM team to collect pain poins, preferences, that mostly reside in readability, lack of gradients, and colour schemes.
At the end of the case study, the team conducted a migration cost analysis. The TSAMxQuantum migration required 40 days of effort. With a TSAM development cost in the order of millions, the product team indicated that the migration cost was reasonable and acceptable, particularly considering the additional benefits realised.
TSAM is part of the MMCM (Maritime Mine Counter Manager) program which includes 3 sub-systems for drone mine warfare, the team estimate the need for approximately 100 days to migrate the full software suite.
All the Quantum colors, rules were well defined, I could count on QDS design on Figma, I was pleasantly surprised. I feel that QDS has a real utility. Paul DIELENSCHNEIDER, DMS developer
I still remain on my hunger, I think that we could align even more the TSAM to QDS, but it is a good start. Julien FERRAND, DMS Designer
A website by using Quantum CSS package was created to host the poll on-line.
3 major TSAM interfaces were evaluated, the participants were able to use a vertical slider in order to change the interface and look and apply with/without Quantum rendering.
Each evaluated interface had a business goal description and a section to vote and provide free feedback.
The following visual shows that the participant is visualizing 25% of the interface with Quantum on the left side and the rest of the interface without Quantum.